Paula Cummings

Intuitive Reiki Healer
Co-Founder of Esoteric Academy 
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About Paula

My journey into the alternative therapy world started at a young age. Unsatisfied with the dogmatic teachings of church every Sunday, I chose to think of God as my friend and would chatter away to him on my way to school. But I had so many questions that weren't answered by the presbyterian religion I grew up in. High school was a struggle because I always felt different, thought differently and started to struggle with depression. I became obsessed with my weight and learning about the food and pharmaceutical industries. I also discovered Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad, Poor Dad on my dads book shelf and vowed I would find a way out of the rat race.

In my early 20's I struggled with depression, anxiety and chronic fatigue. I was constantly searching for solutions. I had my first two daughters, at 22, then 24 years of age and they really changed my life and changed my priorities from financially based to more spiritually based. I started to listen to and read amazing authors like Louise Hay, Wayne Dyer, Joe Vitale, Doreen Virtue, Sylvia Browne, Bruce Lipton and so many more. Learning about the other side, the power of our thoughts, the metaphysical and how we have the power to heal our selves was the start of life long journey for me.

I committed to seeing a kinesiologist on a regular basis, who I still see today. I started my studies learning about Mind, Body Medicine and how flower essences can heal in 2015. I then became a Special Needs Teachers Assistant working in Primary Schools whilst my girls were in Primary School. I studied spiritual coaching in 2018, Reiki Level I and fell pregnant with my third daughter. While I was waking up to a lot of things in the world, 2020 took me to the next level. I discovered Dolores Cannon and completed her QHHT course. I also deep dived into various conspiracy theories, trying to understand why the whole world was put into locked down and they were forcing us all to get the jab. This next level of learning what has been going on right under our noses was hard and heartbreaking but has also driven me to continue to find solutions to empower ourselves.

In 2022 I received my Rekik Level II and 2024 has been an exciting year for me. I completed Level I and II in Multidimensional Quantum Healing, started my YouTube channel and started Esoteric Academy with Brice. Finally feeling ready to really start working people at a deeper level where we can learn and grow together and awaken our dormant, but powerful abilities from within!
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